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OPA Flame Retardant

OPA Flame Retardant

Item #19
Category: OPA Flame Retardant

  • Description
  • Spec


OPA-series flame retardants are formed from aluminum diethyl phosphinate, a compound that belongs to the family of eco-friendly phosphorus-based flame retardants, that displays excellent water resistance and high decomposition temperature, whose properties are suitable to make flame-resistant such resins as PBT (Polybutylene terephthalate) and PAs (Polyamides) which require high temperatures in their processing. Furthermore, this product is halogen-free flame retardant; yet, it has the same gas-phase flame retardation mechanism as most other halogen type flame retardants so that it exhibits excellent flame-retardant effects in almost all resins.

Product Features

  • 1. Exhibit exceptional high heat resistance (possible under processing conditions of more than 300℃)

  • 2. No smell, proof-discoloration

  • 3. Superior thermostability resisting more than 330℃

  • 4. Excellent flame retardancy in the most resins PE, PP, PS, PET, PBT, TPU, PA, etc.

  • 5. Achieve high synergies when in combination with various flame retardants

  • 6. Give rise to little change in their specific gravity due to small porosity when they are added to polymers

  • 7. Result in high dispersibility in various resins thanks to our proprietary coating technology

Product LineSurface Modified Aluminum phosphinate
Product NameOPA-60/OPA-80OPA-90OMP-1101OMP-2101OMP-8050
AppearanceFine, White crystalline powderSlurry(White)
Phosphorus (wt%)23-2423-2416-1716-1712.0 ± 0.5
Density (g/cm³)1.1-1.21.1-1.2about 1.3about 1.6about 1.0
Bulk density (kg/m³)200-300400-600about 300300-400 
Thermal decomposition
(℃) (1% loss)
> 330 ℃> 330 ℃> 300 ℃> 330 ℃ 
(D50%, μm)about 510-402-43-41-2
(D98%, μm)about 15< 7015-1817-20 
pH (5% slurry, at 20℃)3~63~63~63~63~6
Water/moisture (wt%)0.2 (Max.)0.2 (Max.)0.4 (Max.)0.5 (Max.)about 50
Water Solubility (20℃)
0.3 (Max.)0.3 (Max.)0.3 (Max.)0.3 (Max.) 

- Thermoplastic,
thermoset resin

- Epoxy laminated for PCB

- Water/solvent Bone coating

- TPU, Polyamide, PBT, PET,Epoxy, Unsaturated Polyester

- High temperature polyamide compounding

- Glass fiber reinforced and unreinforced for Engineering Plastics

- Thermoplastic compounding

- Thermoplastic elastomer such as TPU and TPE-E for cable

- Glass fiber reinforced and unreinforced for PET, PBT compounds

- High temperature Polyamide compounding

- Glass fiber reinforced and unreinforced for Polyamide compounds.

- TPU cable

- Artificial leather

- Water borne coating and adhesive